ADD Information Service
ADD Information Service
Information Required
Information Required
Preparation for the Initial Screen
Provide background information on the brief history of the problem for the child/teenager/adolescent and family.
Identify the families concerns about the child/ teenager/adolescent, such as about their development, health, age when problems commenced, what are the problems, relationships with siblings, family and friends.
Consider the most appropriate service or clinician for the child's/adolescent's problems.
Preparation for the Paediatric Assessment
Give information about the required and/or helpful documentation for the paediatric assessment, e.g. such as information from:
- GP referral letter
- Any previous specialist reports
- Comments from school/kindergarten, and RTLB Service (Resource Teacher: Learning & Behaviour) if involved
- Public Health Nurse, e.g. comments, or referral letter
- CAFS (Children & Adolescents Families Services) reports
- Psychologist reports
- Puketiro Centre developmental services reports (if in Capital Coast Health area)
- Speech reports
- Audiology reports
- "Well Child Health book"
Check re any immediate concerns. For example, does the family need or want to visit the nurse prior to the paediatric child/teenager/adolescent appointment?
Preparation for Adults
- GP referral letter
- Any previous diagnostic information
- Completed adult assessment forms for ADHD and ASD and Health Questionnaire
- School reports if available
- Discussion re need for the assessment, e.g. issues with work, tertiary study, social, managing finances
- Review of what the ultimate goal/s are
- May require information from previous health agencies